CONGRATULATIONS TO INDIYA BOSEN, one of this year’s proud recipients of the Geoff Vickers Youth Scholarship award.
Indiya wrote:
“Ever since I was in primary school, I have wanted to be a doctor. I knew it would not be easy to get into this field but I have worked hard right throughout my schooling and I am very happy and proud to have received a high enough ATAR to get into my first preference at university for 2020.
To get into Medicine, I am required to do a Bachelor of Biomedical Science and once that is finished, I will sit an assessment which will determine whether I get into Medicine (a further 4 year degree).
I have decided to do a double degree (Bachelor or Biomedical Science & Bachelor of Science) in 2020 to give myself more options of employment or further study, should I not get accepted into the next phase.
It is my intention to work extremely hard, attend all lectures and classes and to take full advantage of all resources offered to me by Monash University.”
All the best with your studies Indiya! We look forward to having your skills and energy in our community.