The evolving nature of our funding model


The evolving nature of our funding model

The amount of funding invested in our community (since 2000) via Sponsorships will exceed $2.5 million in the May 2014 round. These funds have been applied to a wide range of community-building initiatives – supporting sporting clubs, local services, schools and kindergartens, festivals and the arts, and investing in infrastructure that benefits all who live here.

And we are continually exploring new ways of funding projects to support a strong future in our towns.golden egg

We are constantly reviewing our evolving role in the community by asking what projects we can spearhead that serve our community’s growth and wellbeing? For example, we have a working party committed to establishing a local hydroelectricity scheme.

We are asking about areas of funding that need additional support and social services that need a boost. Our goal is to bring people together to create synergies and growth that benefit everyone. We want to help groups become self-sustainable and to be creative in raising money.

Our directors, our customers and our resources are all part of a devoted network that has our mutual prosperity at heart. It’s a big picture mission, and as a leader in community development projects we know we have the people in our neighbourhood with the knowledge and capacity to do great things.