Our Sponsorships program is the way our community lets us know the priorities they have for projects, services and activities they’d most like supported. Every quarter, we review and allocate thousands of dollars to your Sponsorship requests and it all adds up. In fact, almost $4 million has been invested in our community and we know this has many positive flow-on effects for our customers, residents and businesses in the Upper Yarra region.
At our quarterly Presentation Night, successful funding recipients share an evening of celebration and networking with other community groups. Executive Officer Geoff Vickers provides an overview of the Community Banking model and why it is so important to support the Warburton and Yarra Junction Community Bank® branches, and then each group has the opportunity to talk about the project they are funded for. This not only lets others know what is coming up in the community but also enables rich connections to be developed.
And it doesn’t end there. In addition to our Sponsorship and Donations program we also make major contributions to significant community infrastructure such as the Warburton Community Hydro Scheme and, in the future, the Warburton Mountain Bike Hub. In fact the support UYCE provides to these types of endeavors is often a big part of the reason they can go ahead.
‘With this generous support, the Warburton Film Society is able to compile and produce a comprehensive booklet for the Warburton Film Festival. This is to inform, provide events and accommodation details in Warburton to the Upper Yarra and wider communities for this upcoming event.’
Sally Ahern, Director, Warburton Film Society
‘This support assists us in creating a professional event benefitting our many local artists, businesses and the local community as a whole. The funds will be used to promote Open Studios in quality publications, design and print quality brochures and include an exhibition of the Warburton area artists at Waterwheel Gallery.’
Reggie Clark, President, Yarra Valley Arts
The support we have received from the Warburton and Yarra Junction Community Bank® branches has allowed us to plan an inclusive, accessible and fun night out for the local community in the form of our ‘Cinema Under the Stars’ on March 23rd. Our organisation is in the very early stages and this support is invaluable in helping us get on our feet and show the local community what we have to offer.
Teri McIntyre. The Girls Movement.